Tint – The ESL Writers Journal is the first literary journal with an explicit focus on writers who produce creative texts in English as their second or non-native language.


We are looking for original fiction and nonfiction creations by ESL writers including short prose, flash, and poetry. We also invite writers of all backgrounds to contribute interviews with and profiles of ESL writers as well as reviews of their work.


By deliberately choosing English as their creative voice, non-native English writers have the ability to bridge borders and blend cultures without the third party of the translator. Yet, standing behind the uniquely modifying quality of their writingtheir tintis anything but easy. Hence, it is our desire to serve as a platform that illuminates. We want to create a platform to illuminate the capabilities and idiosyncrasies of emerging and established ESL writers.

Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Lisa Schantl is an Austrian graduate student of English and American Studies at the University of Graz. She spent the 2017/18 academic year abroad in the United States at Montclair State University, New Jersey, where she had the opportunity to follow her passion for online and print publishing. As a creative writer herself, she hopes that Tint will be a platform for the diverse voices of non-native English writers around the world.


Web Editor

Rongqian Ma is a PhD student in Library and Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh, with a focus on scholarly communications and digital humanities. Born and raised in Jinan, China, she earned a BA in Chinese Classics from Renmin University of China in Beijing, and an MA in East Asian Studies from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Marketing, Communication, and Editor

Valeria García Origel is a Mexican communications and digital media graduate who fell in love with books rather late. Since discovering her passion for the publishing industry and the innate necessity of changing the world, she has started creating and participating in projects that help her satisfy those needs, Tint being one of those. Valeria loves languages, her native one the most.



Kenneth Guay is from New York. He is the product of generations of emigration and has spent the majority of the last decade working in Central America and the Midwest. He has an MA in English from Marquette University in Milwaukee and is the Assistant Managing Editor for MAKE Literary Magazine in Chicago.